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Terms and Conditions

Easy Selling Ltd > Terms and Conditions

1. Introductory Provisions

a. These terms and conditions apply to the legal relationship created by the partner by registering in the online application of the company Easy Selling LTD. with registered office at 52 Grosvenor Gardens Nwms Office 514, Belgravia, London, SW1W 0AU, UK with identification number 13871049 as supplier.

b. Partner is a natural or legal person who has registered in the online application operated by supplier.

2. Purpose of Cooperation

a. Supplier exists to facilitate the marketing and sales activities of partners by providing a functional environment for them to create marketing and pre-sales communications with their potential clients, thereby enabling an easy business process that partners can then immediately initiate and sell their products or services.

b. By existing as a supplier and implementing marketing services for the partner, it hereby assumes all legal responsibility for the partner in accordance with international law and these legally binding terms and conditions.

3. Glossary

a. TC stands for Terms and conditions.

b. Supplier stands for the organization Easy Selling LTD., identification number 13871049, UK.

c. User is an unregistered visitor of the supplier’s website.

d. Client is a registered visitor of the supplier’s website with access to choose a type of partner program.

e. Partner is a client who has chosen and paid for a specific type of partner program.

f. Partner program (hereinafter referred to as “Program”) is a set of services that the supplier makes available or provides to the partner.

g. System is a web application owned and operated by the supplier.

h. Complainant is a client or partner who objects to the operation of the system or cooperation within the program.

4. Registration to the Program

a. By registering, the user becomes a client and has access to a selection of paid content. They choose the program either for the first month as a trial or for a period of at least one year with an automatic extension without a time limit.

b. By registering and paying for the program, the partner declares they are fully competent to legal actions. Furthermore, they agree they familiarized themselves with the TC, are in full compliance with them, and unconditionally, without coercion or distress, agree with the obligations arising from them.

5. Rights and Obligations of Client

a. Client has the right to access paid content for a fee.

b. Client is strictly prohibited from copying, distributing, downloading, taking screen pictures or recordings of the system and any other similar actions. In case of violation of this provision, the supplier has the right to stop the client’s use of the program with immediate effect without the right to compensation, which is not in conflict with the subsequent right to demand compensation for the damage incurred.

c. Client is obliged to bear the instability or unavailability of the system if its maintenance is in progress.

d. Client is obliged to have up-to-date information about themselves in the system, and they are responsible if, due to out-of-date information, messages are not being delivered, etc.

6. Rights and Obligations of Partner

a. The rights and obligations of the client apply appropriately to the partner.

b. Partner uses the system as appropriate.

c. The provided program and the entire website of the supplier are protected by copyright law. In accordance with the TC, the supplier grants the partner a limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable right to use the program for the sole and exclusive purpose of promoting their products and services.

d. Partner is personally responsible in the event that the content of the promotion is in violation of international law and can be characterized as criminal activity (for example, child pornography, incitement to racial or ethnic intolerance, incitement to crimes against humanity, incitement or support of terrorism, genocide, etc.).

e. In the event of a breach of the TC, the supplier has the right to immediately ban the partner’s use of the program without the right to compensation, which is not in conflict with the subsequent right to demand compensation for the damage incurred.

f. Partner is obliged to pay for the services used properly and on time.

g. Partner is obliged to bear the instability or unavailability of the system if its maintenance is in progress.

h. Partner is obliged to have up-to-date information about themselves in the system, and they are responsible if, due to out-of-date information, messages are not being delivered, etc.

i. Partner is obliged, in the event that they are called upon by the local authority to cooperate in the event of suspicion of criminal conduct, to immediately deliver to the local authority through an official channel the information that they have purchased the services of the supplier who handles the whole matter for them in accordance with the TC.

j. Partner is also obliged to immediately inform the supplier that any proceedings are being conducted against them by a local authority in connection with the assumption that the partner has committed an act in violation of local law or local regulations. The whole situation is then taken over by the supplier in accordance with the TC.

7. Rights and Obligations of Supplier

a. Supplier is responsible for ensuring that the system and program work to serve clients and partners, and the supplier is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by system failure, error or outage.

b. Supplier reserves the right to change the terms and conditions, pricing policy, written content, and more, if it is appropriate for optimization and the development of prosperity. They inform clients and partners of all such changes at least 14 days in advance so that they have the opportunity to respond in time.

c. Supplier is responsible for the development of the system and the program as well as its maintenance, which may cause instability or unavailability of the active service. The supplier undertakes that, if possible, they will carry out these interventions and actions at the time of minimum system load.

d. Supplier is also obliged to inform clients and partners about planned maintenance, at least 7 days in advance.

e. Supplier is obliged to assume responsibility for the partner in any action related to proceedings of a local administrative or other legal nature, apart from proceedings with international legal connotations and criminal activity (for example, child pornography, incitement to racial or ethnic intolerance, incitement to crimes against humanity, incitement or support of terrorism, genocide, etc.) in connection with marketing and sales promotion campaigns.

f. Supplier is obliged to provide the partner with a web domain or domains and a user account in the web application used for sending email marketing campaigns so that they can ensure safe promotion of products or services for the partner.

g. Supplier has the right to limit, suspend or completely terminate partner’s services if partner’s actions are in conflict with the TC. Supplier informs partner about this without delay in an appropriate manner.

h. Supplier is obliged to inform the partner about proceedings against the partner, their content the parties involved in them, and also to inform them about the results of the proceedings.

i. Supplier is obliged to assume full legal and financial responsibility for the partner before local authorities in the framework of infringement proceedings when using paid services and in accordance with the TC.

j. Supplier has the right to make recommendations to partner on changes in behavior, but partner always decides for themselves whether to follow this.

8. Terms of Validity of the Business Relationship

a. The business relationship between supplier and partner exists on the basis of a cooperation agreement, with the validity date of the agreement calculated from the moment of the transaction, when money from the partner is delivered to the supplier’s account.

b. Both supplier and partner (hereafter referred to as the “parties”) agree that they are familiar with the TC, are in full compliance with it, and unanimously confirm that they will be bound by it for the entire duration of the legal relationship defined by this contract.

c. The contract is concluded for a period of 1 calendar year from the date of validity with automatic extension.

d. If any obligation arising from this agreement, but not constituting an essential element thereof, is or becomes invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, it is fully separable from the other provisions of this agreement and such invalidity or unenforceability shall have no effect on the validity and enforceability of any other obligations under this contract.

e. However, if any obligation arising from this agreement and forming its essential element is or at any time becomes invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the parties shall replace the invalid or unenforceable obligation under the new agreement with such a new valid and enforceable obligation, the subject of which shall correspond to the highest possible extent to the subject of the original obligation contained in this contract.

f. The contract is made electronically and is considered valid if the supplier has a printed signature of the statutory representative of the organization and if the customer has a printed record of the completed and paid payment, which constitutes an authentic statement of both parties with full legal responsibility.

9. Termination of Registration in the Program

a. Partner can terminate the registration at their will and can do so immediately through the internal functionality in the system, with the fact that no money paid by them will be returned and their partner account will be irretrievably terminated.

b. Supplier may terminate partner’s registration in accordance with the TC.

10. Complaints

a. Partner has the right to raise objections against the operation of the system, while the supplier is obliged to approach each objection individually, assess it, evaluate it, and respond to the complainant no later than 60 days from the day the objection was raised, while each objection is assessed separately.

11. Other Arrangements

a. The conditions of the TC, the operation of the system, and the program are governed by the valid and effective legal regulations of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, including all territories belonging to this jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as “GB”). All disputes arising in connection with the legal relationship will be heard by a court of local jurisdiction in GB, in accordance with the laws of GB.

b. TC are completely binding and apply from 2 August 2021.